terms & conditions
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General terms and conditions (version: 1.1.2019)
(The following general terms also contain statuory informations about german consumer’s rights under provisions about distance contracts and contracts in electronic business dealings for german consumers.)
§ 1. Contractual partners and general informations
§ 2. Subject of the contract § 3. Conclusion of the contract
§ 4. Prices
§ 5. Payment conditions
§ 6. Shipping costs, duties
§ 7. Shipping conditions
§ 8. Reservation of property
§ 9. Revocation rights for consumers from Germany – exclusion of revocation right
§ 10. Revocation rights for consumers from other countries – exclusion of revocation right
§ 11. Defects liability, limitation of liability
§ 12. Choice of law, place of jurisdiction
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Bestellvorgang Vertragstext
§ 1. Contractual partners and general informations
1.1. The following general terms and conditions apply to all contracts between WOODIE MANUFAKTUR, Tajovského 1260, 142-00 Praha 4, Czech Republic - hereafter referred to as “WOODIE” – and the customers, which are concluded through our online shop. 1.2. Opposing or additional conditions are not accepted, unless WOODIE has agreed to them in writing. 1.3. Definition “consumer”: A consumer means every natural person who enters into a legal transaction for a purpose that is outside his trade, business or profession. 1.4. Definition “entrepreneur”: An entrepreneur means a natural or legal person or a partnership with legal personality who or which, when entering into a legal transaction, acts in exercise of his or its trade, business or profession.
§ 2. Subject of the contract
2.1. WOODIE provides to custumers “custom made” products (i.e. with products, which are made exclusively for him under consideration of the customers individual needs) and separately available standart parts or accessories. 2.2. Materials, product names, colors, patterns The wood used by WOODIE contains only veneer from reconstituted woods which are sourced from responsible and sustainable forestry management. Please note therefore, that product names used by us are sheer fictive names and not a description of the wood species. Minor deviations in color and wood patterns are possible.
§ 3. Conclusion of the Contract
3.1. The items as presented on our website do not represent a binding offer for conclusion of a contract of sale, but rather an invitation for the customer to submit an order. By clicking on the button [zahlungspflichtig bestellen] you submit a binding offer for conclusion of a contract of sale. After finishing your order you will receive an automated e-mail from us confirming that the order has been received, which does not represent an acceptance of the offer. Use of offered immediate payment options by the customer, despite payment of the purchase price, does not yet lead to conclusion of the contract. 3.2. The actually acceptance of the offer (and thus the conclusion of the contract) is pursuant in all instances to confirmation in text form (i.e. e-mail) or through the delivery of said item. If the customer will not receive an order confirmation or shipping Information within 5 days, he is then no longer bound by his order. Payments which have already been made, if applicable, will be refunded without delay.
§ 4. Prices
4.1. The prices listed on our product pages do not contain any Value Added Tax (small business regulation). The product prices do not include shipping costs and other additional pricing components. 4.2. Please note, that remaining costs for shipping as well as possible remaining charges for choosen payment modality (cp.. section 5., clause 5.2. of the general terms and conditions) are not included in the purchase price. They can be viewed on the pages [Versandkosten] und [Zahlungsinformationen], they are detailed separately during the ordering process and are to be payed additionally by the customer.
§ 5. Payment conditions
5.1. We accept following payment methods: payment in advance (bank transfers), PayPal, Sofortüberweisung.de. 5.2. Please note: The additional costs for payment via PayPal amount 2 % of the order value. The additional costs for payment via Sofortüberweisung.de amount 1,5 % of the order value. 5.3. In case of choosing the payment method – payment in advance (bank transfers) – we will give you our banking details in the order confirmation.
§ 6. Shipping costs, duties
6.1. The shipping all-inclusive costs per order (incl. 19% VAT): within Germany: € 6,90, within European Union: € 16,00, within Europe without EU: € 29,00, to USA, Canada: € 42,00, to Australia, New Zealand, Japan and other countries: € 48,00. 6.2. Please note: In case of shipping to outside of European Union you must pay incurred additional charges and duties. You can find more informations for example under: http://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/dds/cgibin/tarchap?Lang=DE and about importation VAT under http://auskunft.ezt-online.de/ezto/Welcome.do and especially for Switzerland under http://xtares.admin.ch/tares/login/loginFormFiller.do.
§ 7. Shipping conditions
7.1. The delivery time amounts, in so far as it has not been differently declared in the item description, within Germany: 5 – 7 working days, within the European Union: 5 – 14 working days, within Europe without EU: 7 – 14 working days, to USA, Canada: 15- 18 working days, to Australia, New Zealand, Japan and other countries: 15 – 18 working days. 7.2. The delivery time line beginns after receiving the payment on the next working day. 7.3. Delivery shall be carried out by DHL to delivery address stated by the customer. Deliveries to a “Packstation”-adress (german DHL Service) are not possible. 7.4. If the customer is an entrepreneur, the delivery and shipping will be carried out at his own risk. 7.5. Should a product ordered by the customer, contrary to expectations not being able to be produced for reasons for which we are not responsible, we may cancel the order. In case that the order is canceled, the customer will be informed about the impossibility of performance and already remitted payments will be reimbursed immediately.
§ 8. Reservation of property
All goods remain the property of WOODIE as long as they have not been entirely paid.
§ 9.
§ 10. Revocation rights for consumers from other countries – exclusion of revocation right
10.1. Consumers may revoke their contractual declaration within 15 days without stating any reasons in form of text (e.g. letter, fax, email) or – if the thing was delivered to you before the time limit has expired – also by sending back of the thing. The time line begins with the receipt of this notice in form of text, but not before the receipt of the good (in the case of repeating deliveries not before the receipt of the first partial delivery) and also not before the fulfillment of our information duties. For observing the time line it is sufficient if the revocation or the thing has been sent in good time. The revocation has to be directed to:
WOODIE, owner Luzian Koczewski, Tajovského 1260, 142-00 Praha 4, Tschechische Republik , phone.: +420-735-130-709, mobile: +49-(0)176-43403800, e-mail: info@woodie-fenders.com In the case of an valid revocation all mutually received performances and where appropriate emoluments taken (e.g. interest), are to be returned. If you are not or partially not able to restitute ore return the received performance and emoluments (i.e. benefits of usage) or you can return them only in a deteriorated state, you have to compensate us in this respect for the value. You have to compensate only for a deterioration of the thing and emoluments taken, as far as the emoluments or the deterioration have been caused by handling the items in a way that exceeds testing the properties and functionality. “Testing the properties and functionality” is defined as trying out the good in a way it would have been possible and appropriate in a store. Things that can be sent by parcel have to be sent back at our risk. The return will be paid by us. Things that can not be sent by parcel will be retrieved. Duties to reimburse payments have to be fulfilled within 30 days. The time line begins at the time you dispatch your revocation or the item, for us with their receipt. 10.2. Special note – exclusion of revocation right The right of revocation does not exist for the supply of goods produced according to customer specifications or clearly tailored to personal needs. Our mudguards are manufactured exclusively for individual wishes of our customers and clearly tailored to personal needs. The personalization represents a significant economic value factor and – for our customers – a critical factor in purchasing decisions. Mudguards, which are clearly tailored to personal needs of a specific customer either can not be sold to other persons, or they can only be sold with disproportional difficulties. On these grounds please note, that by purchasing our mudguards the right of revocation is excluded. Parts and accessories which can be purchased separately are not excluded from the right of revocation.§ 11. Defects liability, limitation of liability
11.1. Defects liability follows statutory provisions according to the German Civil Code (BGB) – insofar as nothing else is determined in these general terms and conditions. 11.2. Liability for slight negligence is excluded. This does not not apply to contractual core duties, damages arising out of death, injury to body or health, mandory guarantees or entitlements according to the German Product Liability Act. This limitation of liability also applies to our auxiliary persons or legal agents. 11.3. In case that the customer is a consumer and is generally not resident in Germany, the provisions according to clause 11.1. and 11.2. apply only as far as the protections provided by the mandatory provisions of the law of the country of the consumer’s usual residence have not been deprived (“Most Favorable Treatment Principle”).
§ 12. Choice of law, place of jurisdiction
12.1. According to the legal relationships between WOODIE and his customers as well as these general terms and conditions the law of the Check Republic applies. The UN Convention for Contracts for the international Sale of Goods is excluded. 12.2. As far as the customer is a consumer and is generally not resident in Germany, the mandatory regulations of his country remain unaffected by the present general terms and conditions. 12.3. If the customer is a merchant according to the Commercial Code of Germany (HGB), a legal entity under public law or special fund law, then Mannheim, Germany is the place of general jurisdiction. This also applies to a consumer, who is generally not resident in European Union.
Weitere Informationen:
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Der Vertragstext wird auf unseren internen Systemen gespeichert. Die Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen können Sie jederzeit auf dieser Seite einsehen. Die Bestelldaten und die AGB werden Ihnen per E-Mail zugesendet. Nach Abschluss der Bestellung sind Ihre Bestelldaten aus Sicherheitsgründen nicht mehr über das Internet zugänglich.